The History of HÜNGSBERG GmbH
Where innovation is tradition
The history of HÜNGSBERG is closely related to the exchange of engineering data in the automotive industry. Since 1981, the company has been developing and supporting innovative EDI solutions worldwide in order to continuously optimise data exchange.
No wonder, because today many small and medium sized companies rely on HÜNGSBERG’s innovative solutions. This focus has made HÜNGSBERG the market leader in the CAD/CAM segment.
In 2010 Tania Hüngsberg-Cengil took over management from her father Werner Hüngsberg, the company’s founder. In 2023 Vanessa Ibel-Hüngsberg joined the HÜNGSBERG executive team as the Managing Director.

Foundation of the company
BMW has ground-breaking success with the M1, a mid-engined supercar with rear-wheel-drive.
Before founding the company, Werner Hüngsberg worked at the Institute for Plasma Physics in a computer centre, where he dealt with complex integration projects such as the networking of computers.
He founded the company as an engineering office with a focus on consulting, planning, project management and network coordination.
One of HÜNGSBERG’s first projects took place at BMW as a so-called NWP project (Netz-Werk Projekt). In this project, for the first time at BMW, hundreds of heterogeneous computers were to be connected and required to communicate with each other. It was pure innovation, not only on the racetrack, but also for the in-house IT!

VDA communication + foundation of the GmbH
Ronald Reagan gives a speech in West Berlin addressed to Mikhail Gorbachev, the then leader of the Soviet Union. Reagan calls on Gorbachev to open the Berlin Wall with the well-known phrase “Tear down this wall!”
A few years after the company was founded, HÜNGSBERG succeeds in establishing the first VDA communication via the telephone network, overcoming boundaries between companies.
This is the beginning of the development and sale of VDA-DFÜ products for the telephone network with transmission rates of an unbelievable 4.8 kbit/s at the time and even 9.6 kbit/s for the Datex-L network.
Over the course of this year HÜNGSBERG becomes a company with limited liability.

Ronald Reagan’s Speech in Berlin
ODETTE File Transfer Protocol (OFTP)
As Ronald Reagan’s appeal to Mikhail Gorbachev takes effect and the courage of the people brings down the Berlin Wall, we all witness history in the making.
At HÜNGSBERG, the pressure is on to create increasingly rapid data transmissions. The first pilot application of the OFTP protocol (ODETTE file transfer protocol) via the Datex-P network with 9.6 kbit/s begins.
Intensive research and development are carried out to achieve faster data transmission in connection with ISDN. In retrospect, this is one of the most important innovations for data transmission in the then rapidly growing automotive industry.

Fall of the Berlin Wall
Beginning of direct sales to the European market
For the first time in history, the Football World Cup takes place in the USA.
HÜNGSBERG becomes the European market leader for OFTP solutions for CAD with ISDN. Cooperation with partners such as CADTECH, debis Systemhaus, Haitec, ML- Software, Ubiquity, ProSTEP, etc. begins.

First World Championship in the USA
On the way to quality management
In South Africa, Nelson Mandela unites the country with a memorable performance at the Rugby World Cup.
HÜNGSBERG achieves quality management certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001. DAXware solutions are now in use throughout Europe as well as in the USA, Canada, Japan and South Africa.

Mandela – Award Ceremony
HÜNGSBERG becomes a joint-stock company
The mineral water group Gerolsteiner is the first company in the industry to launch Gerolsteiner mineral water in recyclable PET bottles.
ISDN suddenly establishes itself as the new digital data transmission technology and HÜNGSBERG becomes the recognised EDI market leader for the automotive sector that same year.

Mineral water bottling
Establishment of consulting division + development of DAX 2000
In the USA, a small company called Backrub launches its first search engine with the aim of making the growing content of the Internet more accessible to people. It is renamed Google in the following years.
HÜNGSBERG develops a platform-independent communication server so that developers can work with it irrespective of their location. In the same year, the EDI consulting division is established and HÜNGSBERG moves from Garching to new business premises in Hallbergmoos.

Systems 99
Expansion of strategic partnerships
The world embarks on a new millennium!
HÜNGSBERG becomes an authorised ENX® Solution Partner of Deutsche Telekom and takes over the distribution of ENX VPNs in connection with DAXware solutions. Strategic partnerships for SAP/Consulting are also established.

DAX 2000
Foundation of HÜNGSBERG Consulting GmbH
Germany steadily abandons the D-Mark and the Euro becomes the new currency by the end of the year as Europe grows together.
HÜNGSBERG Consulting GmbH for EDI Consulting comes into being. The new EDI product dax.logistics as a SaaS platform is successfully introduced.

Farewell to the D-Mark
Product launch engDAX
The 33rd summit meeting of heads of state takes place in Heiligendamm, for the fifth time in Germany.
The browser-based application engDAX is developed and introduced. engDAX is developed for the exchange of engineering data.

Introduction of CAD-Solution
OFTP2 protocol for communication over the Internet
The Tower of Hercules (Torre de Hércules/Farum Brigantium), constructed in the 1st century and thus the oldest known extant lighthouse, becomes a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This year marks the introduction of the OFTP2 protocol for high-speed data transmission and secure data communication over the Internet with file and transmission encryption as well as certificate exchange.

Introduction of OFTP2
Generation change
Werner Hüngsberg takes a well-deserved retirement after 29 years at HÜNGSBERG and hands over management to his daughter Tania Hüngsberg-Cengil. She has been with the company since 1992 and knows the business from scratch.

Werner Hüngsberg
Product launch logDAX
For the first time in almost half a century, the drawing of the lottery numbers is no longer broadcasted live on German television.
Introduction of the automotive product logDAX for connecting suppliers via EDI without an ERP system or possible ERP integration – logDAX is also suitable as a transitional solution when introducing an ERP system.

Lottery Draw
Product launch ediDAX + Microsoft Certified Silver Partner
The systematic expansion of EDI functionalities and the introduction of the new product version ediDAX for purely logistical data exchange strengthen HÜNGSBERG’s EDI orientation.

Introduction of EDI-Solution
New brand identity
Every 18 years we get to witness a total solar eclipse. That year it could be seen from the Indian Ocean, Sumatra, the Pacific and Micronesia.
HHÜNGSBERG strengthens its brand with a new CI and modern corporate design, further equipping itself for the future.

Total Solar Eclipse
HÜNGSBERG becomes GmbH + new transmission protocol AS2
Astronaut Alexander Gerst starts his second mission on the International Space Station ISS, in the second half of his mission he becomes the first German astronaut to take command of the ISS.
HÜNGSBERG’s changes back from AG to GmbH as it becomes a limited liability company again and the new AS2 transmission protocol for trade is successfully introduced.

Alexander Gerst on the ISS
OFTP2 Interoperability Tests successfully carried out and certified by ODETTE
27-year-old Sophia Popov is the first German to win the British Open and thus writes a piece of golf history.
HÜNGSBERG successfully completes the ODETTE certification for the OFTP2 protocol extensions.

Victory of the British Open
HÜNGSBERG turns 40!
Just in time for its 40th jubilee, HÜNGSBERG successfully generates and implements mappings according to the US ANSI standard for Tesla’s suppliers.

Successful connection
EDI-Connection of small Suppliers with webDAX Automotive
First pictures of the James Webb Space Telescope are published, showing the newly discovered galaxy GLASS-z13, at the moment the furthest known galaxy.
HÜNGSBERG is finalising the development of its webEDI platform webDAX for Automotive. That way small companies without ERP- or other Management-Systems can become EDI-capable without needing anything other than an Internet browser.
Besides, it can also help suppliers in the automotive industry who are encouraged to connect their sub-suppliers via EDI to secure the supply chain process.
The goal is to bring the platform to the market in the first quarter of 2023.

webEDI platform webDAX
United and excellently positioned for the future!
At the beginning of 2023 Vanessa Ibel-Hüngsberg joined the executive team as the Managing Director for the commercial division, alongside her sister Tania Hüngsberg-Cengil. HÜNGSBERG looks forward to a promising future as a family-owned enterprise!

HÜNGSBERG: stronger together